Help us improve research into Cardiometabolic Disease

AccessCMD is an international research study involving people diagnosed with Cardiometabolic Disease.

We need your help...

  • Globally, an estimated 462million individuals are affected by type 2 diabetes. [2]
  • Stroke is the second leading cause of death and third leading cause of disability worldwide. [3]
  • An estimated 1.28bn adults worldwide have hypertension. [4]
  • Heart failure affects over 64 million people globally. [5]

Join over 1000 participants taking part in AccessCMD

Cohort most prevalent diagnoses

Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia


average age at enrollment


report a family history


women participating


have a carer

Updated monthly

What's involved for me?


The AccessCMD registry is built from health information provided by patients with Cardiometabolic Disease which allows researchers to monitor the progression of the disease over time and better understand the burden/ impact of the disease.

If you consent to take part in the study, you will be sent questionnaires, approximately every month, which will ask specific questions regarding your experience of living with your condition (for example, how your symptoms may have changed or the impact on your daily activities and quality of life). The information you provide will be combined with data from other participants and will be anonymized, meaning you will not be identifiable.

Participation in AccessCMD can be done independently via the use of a smartphone, tablet or computer. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet or don’t feel confident or able with technology, our study support team is available to help you participate by phone, and a carer or family member can be present if preferred.

Additional research opportunities

Based on your participation in AccessCMD and the information you contribute, you may be invited to join selected future studies which may require a healthcare provider or hospital visit. Participation in these additional research opportunities will always be at your discretion and will require your additional consent.

Theses studies may ask you to complete questionnaires or to try out medical devices such as a wearable monitor. In all cases you will be given information to help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you.

Read our latest AccessCMD newsletter

Access the Newsletter
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Frequently asked questions

  • What countries will AccessCMD be conducted in and how many patients will be taking part?

    AccessCMD is being conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States. There is no upper limit set for the number of patients who are able to sign up to AccessCMD.

  • What is the goal of AccessCMD?

    AccessCMD aims to improve research into Cardiometabolic Disease. Information collected from AccessCMD participants can be used to help researchers improve their understanding of the disease, and support the development of new treatments for Cardiometabolic disease.

  • Who is uMed?

    uMed is a clinical study support company who works on behalf of healthcare providers and study sponsors, including Cohort Science. They will be providing the patient contact and engagement services for this study.

  • Who is Cohort Science?

    Cohort Science develops and manages studies and registries and they are the study sponsor for AccessCMD.

  • Will I be informed of any results?

    Each patient enrolled in the study will receive quarterly newsletters updating them on the progress of AccessCMD, including general updates and news on this group of disease. We always welcome feedback from our patients taking part in AccessCMD and will give opportunities for this regularly.

  • How will my data be used?

    In AccessCMD, we will use information from you and your medical records that is relevant to the study. We will only use information that we need for the study. This information will be available to researchers in a de-identified form, meaning patients will not be identifiable from this information. You will not have any rights to the data or any research developed from the data, including copyright. All rights are owned by Cohort Science.

  • Will pharmaceutical companies or other research organizations be involved in AccessCMD?

    Pharmaceutical and Medical Device companies play a key role in the development of new therapies for cardiometabolic disease and will be invited to collaborate with Cohort Science alongside academic and university based researchers.

  • Are there any risks associated with taking part in AccessCMD?

    Whilst every effort will be made to protect your well being and dignity, there can still be risks associated with participating in any medical research. Examples of risks with AccessCMD include a data breach of information relating to your health information. Participation in additional research opportunities will always be at your discretion and will require your additional consent. It is important to note that the risks will depend entirely on the specific additional research projects that you participate in, so participation should be carefully considered using all information provided during the invitation.

  • Will my healthcare provider be paid for my involvement in AccessCMD?

    Participating healthcare institutions and their service providers will be paid administrative costs associated with their involvement in the study.

  • Will I receive any payment for participation?

    No, you will not receive any payment. If Cohort Science or its affiliates, research partners or collaborators develop any new product, idea, or service using the data in AccessCMD, including those that may have commercial value, you will have no rights in any such product, idea, or service, and you will not benefit financially from any of those efforts or product, idea or service.

  • What if I no longer want to take part in AccessCMD?

    You can leave AccessCMD at any time without giving a reason by contacting the study support team using the contact details below. Any data that has already been contributed to AccessCMD prior to your discontinuation will remain in the study database.

  • Who should I contact if I need more information or wish to make a complaint?

    If you are based in the US: Contact our study support team at +1 888 454 5580 or you can email

    If you are based in the UK: Contact our study support team at +44 808 304 9869, or email

Dr. Mark Toshner, AccessCMD Chief Investigator UK

Dr Mark Toshner is the Director of the Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Heart & Lung Research Institute Clinical Research Facility at the University of Cambridge, as well as an Associate Professor in Translational Respiratory Medicine, and an Honorary Consultant at Royal Papworth Hospital.

Find out more about Mark Toshner